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Furbo Dog Camera

Furbo Dog Camera
100% of users rated this business as excellent or very good.
Ranked 31 in Dog Accessories & Supplies
Ranking calculated based on average score and the most reviews. Businesses need more than 5 reviews to feature at the top.
1 review

Recent review

29th January 2017
Wandsworth, Wandsworth, London
“No more worrying when you leave your dog at home! ”
I've owned a petcam for several years now and my experience hasn't been great so I was excited to try the Furbo Dog Camera as it has a whole host of i…

1 person has reviewed Furbo Dog Camera

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Very Good

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Value for money
1 review (1 page) sorted by
Wandsworth, Wandsworth, London
1 review
“No more worrying when you leave your dog at home! ”
Reviewed 29th January 2017
I've owned a petcam for several years now and my experience hasn't been great so I was excited to try the Furbo Dog Camera as it has a whole host of incredible features. Superb HD camera quality, night vision, two-way audio so I can talk to my dog when I'm out and the best bit...the treat-tossing function is absolutely BRILLIANT!!! My dog was initially a little wary of the noise it makes when dispensing treats but has now got used to it and has taken to sitting in front of it even when I'm home! This is a must for dog owners that worry about their dogs when they're out or if your dog suffers from separation anxiety. Can't recommend highly enough. I've written a full review on my dog blog if you would like to know more: http://thedogvine.com/dont-worry-when-you-go-if-you-have-a-furbo/
  • Quality
  • Value for money
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