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Plaque Off

Plaque Off
100% of users rated this business as excellent or very good.
Ranked 13 in Dog Accessories & Supplies
Ranking calculated based on average score and the most reviews. Businesses need more than 5 reviews to feature at the top.
3 reviews

Recent review

30th November 2015
“Dog Breath Be Gone”
Plaque off is a fantastic product for my labs breath. I used it for a year but money was tight so didn't use it for about 5 months - we couldn't stan…

3 people have reviewed Plaque Off

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Very Good

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3 reviews (1 page) sorted by
2 reviews
“Dog Breath Be Gone”
Reviewed 30th November 2015
Plaque off is a fantastic product for my labs breath. I used it for a year but money was tight so didn't use it for about 5 months - we couldn't stand his very smelly breath any longer and bought another BIG pot - it really does make a difference and is an item we will never run out of.
  • Quality
  • Value for money
Hastings, East Sussex, South East
6 reviews
“Lovely white teeth still!”
Reviewed 30th November 2015
After one of my chihuahuas had a dental, the vet suggested I get Plaque Off to add to her food to keep them clean - So far its worked very well, no sign of any discolouration or plaque buildup at her last vet check!
  • Quality
  • Value for money
29 reviews
“Teeth as white as Simon Cowells!”
Reviewed 15th January 2015
Was getting concerned about my dogs teeth starting to go yellow and wanted to avoid a large vets bill. Didn't want to use dental sticks as I believe they contain alot of calories so researched an alternative. Plaque Off is entirely natural, it is made from seaweed and you just sprinkle it on your dogs food using the little scoop provided. It takes a few weeks to notice an improvement but after a couple of months the difference was amazing.
  • Quality
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