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Happy Walks

Dog Walkers | Melbourne, Derbyshire, England | 01332862377 | www.happywalks.net

Happy Walks say:

Provider of dog walking and training services in Derby.

Happy Walks
100% of users rated this business as excellent or very good.
Ranked 1 in Dog Walkers in Derbyshire
Ranking calculated based on average score and the most reviews. Businesses need more than 5 reviews to feature at the top.
1 review

Recent review

10th June 2015
“Brilliant! *****”
I couldn’t recommend Linda more! It is obvious that she really cares about the dogs that she works with and is very experienced and passionate about…

1 person has reviewed Happy Walks

Member ratings

Very Good

Rating summary

Level of care provided
Reliability of walker
Value for money
1 review (1 page) sorted by
1 review
“Brilliant! *****”
Reviewed 10th June 2015
I couldn’t recommend Linda more! It is obvious that she really cares about the dogs that she works with and is very experienced and passionate about what she does.
Linda has been an integral part of helping our dog, Lenny, settle in to his new life with us since we rehomed him. She takes him out for adventures during the week and keeps us updated with regular correspondence and lovely pictures of him out and about on Happy Walks’ Facebook page. She has also been wonderfully helpful with keeping Lenny’s on going training consistent and has provided us with great support and useful tips.
5 STAR service! Thank you, Linda!
  • Level of care provided
  • Reliability of walker
  • Value for money
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