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Billy + Margot

Billy + Margot
0% of users rated this business as excellent or very good.
Ranked 70 in Dog Food
Ranking calculated based on average score and the most reviews. Businesses need more than 5 reviews to feature at the top.
1 review

Recent review

26th June 2015
“Not for our dog”
We bought our golden retriever a bag of seaweed popcorn as a treat as we thought it would be a healthy snack but he wasn't impressed - and this is fr…

1 person has reviewed Billy + Margot

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Very Good

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1 review (1 page) sorted by
16 reviews
“Not for our dog”
Reviewed 26th June 2015
We bought our golden retriever a bag of seaweed popcorn as a treat as we thought it would be a healthy snack but he wasn't impressed - and this is from a dog who eats whatever he can get his paws on. He tried it and then spit it out. The only other thing I've seen him do that with is carrots so maybe he just doesn't do healthy! Not cheap either at £2 a packet which is what we paid.
  • Enjoyed by dog
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