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Challenge Dog Food

Challenge Dog Food
100% of users rated this business as excellent or very good.
Ranked 46 in Dog Food
Ranking calculated based on average score and the most reviews. Businesses need more than 5 reviews to feature at the top.
1 review

Recent review

4th May 2021
“Challenge dog food highly recommended”
My Samoyed enjoyed this food for 6 years and was in perfect health until I changed him to something else to try and save money. First his eyes starte…

1 person has reviewed Challenge Dog Food

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Very Good

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1 review (1 page) sorted by
2 reviews
“Challenge dog food highly recommended”
Reviewed 4th May 2021
My Samoyed enjoyed this food for 6 years and was in perfect health until I changed him to something else to try and save money. First his eyes started to run, then he developed an anal abscess. Needless to say he is now back on Challenge. He is gluten intolerant and this is gluten and grain free.
My miniature poodle who is a more recent addition to the family also enjoys this, in fact it is the only kibble I can tempt her to eat. She also enjoys it as treats. Poodles can be extremely fussy so this is a huge compliment to the food.
Only downside is that my Samoyeds poos are not as firm as I would like but they are a good colour.
I highly recommend this food for dogs with sensitive stomachs. I buy 15kg bags but smaller ones are available if you want to trial it.
Ingredients are simple and basic but good. No weird ingredients that may not suit your dog or that you might be doubtful about. There are some reports I have read about potatoes not being good for dogs but I have not certainly not found this.
  • Enjoyed by dog
  • Ingredients
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  • Value for money
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