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Devoted Pet Foods

Devoted Pet Foods say:

Devoted is a super premium complete dry grain free dog food. Using Freshly prepared meats it makes our dog food highly digestible, Devoted also contains antioxidant rich vegetables, fruits and botanicals aswell as added joint care to improve joints and mobility.

Devoted Pet Foods
100% of users rated this business as excellent or very good.
Ranked 54 in Dog Food
Ranking calculated based on average score and the most reviews. Businesses need more than 5 reviews to feature at the top.
1 review

Recent review

25th November 2015
“Noticeably Improved Health and Condition”
I have been researching the dry vs raw food debate for some time. I decided raw was best and fed my rescue dog meaty bones and carcasses. Then I got a…

1 person has reviewed Devoted Pet Foods

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Very Good

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1 review (1 page) sorted by
4 reviews
“Noticeably Improved Health and Condition”
Reviewed 25th November 2015
I have been researching the dry vs raw food debate for some time. I decided raw was best and fed my rescue dog meaty bones and carcasses. Then I got a new puppy about two years ago. I had to move away from bones and carcasses as the greedy boy likes to swallow things whole rather than chew. For budgetary and practical reasons I wanted to find a dry food that was good for my dog.
Some fellow dog walkers suggested I try Devoted and they were almost evangelical about what it had done for the health of their dogs so I’d thought I should try it. It’s grain free and contains some nutritional supplements which they claim helps joints and digestive health. I’m not sure about the quality of the science behind any of these claims dog food companies make re grain or specific supplements. However I do know that my dogs both loved Devoted food - my original dog is usually pretty ambivalent about kibble. Behaviour wise they were both really active and sharp on Devoted – when I have tried them with kibble before they have quickly become noticeable more sluggish (except when I put them on Friskies and they instantly went mental – there is obviously some horrid stimulant in that food so I threw the rest of the bag away). Over about 6 weeks of feeding on devoted rather than raw food I noticed an improvement in a couple of dry skin patches and also an improved coat on one of my two dogs (see the gleam on the image attached). I was surprised because I was expecting things to stay the same or get slightly worse.
I would always prefer to feed my dogs a raw diet but for some dogs this is not possible and dry food is much easier to store and less messy. I am very happy with both the health and behaviour of my dogs on Devoted so I’ll be sticking with it. I do still give my dogs a big bone every so often for their teeth as I have never found a dry food that does the job to my satisfaction.
  • Enjoyed by dog
  • Ingredients
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  • Value for money
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