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Hills Science Plan Dog Food

Hills Science Plan Dog Food
25% of users rated this business as excellent or very good.
Ranked 68 in Dog Food
Ranking calculated based on average score and the most reviews. Businesses need more than 5 reviews to feature at the top.
4 reviews

Recent review

7th November 2015
“Sadly promoted by Vets but poor quality! ”
Our lab pup was on this for a month as it's what the vet recommended but she scratched a lot, had an unsettled tummy a lot of the time and didn't like…

4 people have reviewed Hills Science Plan Dog Food

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Very Good

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4 reviews (1 page) sorted by
2 reviews
“Sadly promoted by Vets but poor quality! ”
Reviewed 7th November 2015
Our lab pup was on this for a month as it's what the vet recommended but she scratched a lot, had an unsettled tummy a lot of the time and didn't like it! She rarely ate it at breakfast and only ate it at dinner because presumably she was starving. This prompted me to do research. The first ingredient of Science Plan is maize, which is not suitable for dogs. Other ingredients include soybean meal, maize gluten meal, animal fat, digest and salt which are all unsuitable for dogs.
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2 reviews
“My dogs teeth turned yellow”
Reviewed 1st February 2015
Within a week of feeding this my 3 dogs teeth turned bright yellow! I hated to think what that was doing to their insides and was horrified as beforehand they had beautiful teeth. I changed back to my first food and within about a month their teeth had all turned back to pearly whites. Dogs enjoyed the food ok, but that side effect was unacceptable to me.
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29 reviews
“Good balanced food”
Reviewed 26th January 2015
Difficult for me to write reviews of dog food as my lab will eat anything and look like he has enjoyed it! However, my vet recommended Hill's as she reckons it is the best balanced food so took her advice and he has been on it since he was a pup. He has stayed healthy and slim which is always a challenge for a lab. I wouldn't buy anything else.
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29 reviews
“Vet's favourite but over-rated”
Reviewed 13th January 2015
Many vets are sponsored by Hills so it is hardly surprising that it is widely recommended by them but I think it is over-rated especially in view of its low meat content. My dog didn't seem to enjoy it that much either. There are better alternatives out there and I have recently started to feed Gentle which I am impressed by so far.
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