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Dog Groomers | Pinner, Harrow, England | www.groomerz.co.uk

100% of users rated this business as excellent or very good.
Ranked 1 in Dog Groomers in Harrow
Ranking calculated based on average score and the most reviews. Businesses need more than 5 reviews to feature at the top.
1 review

Recent review

7th March 2015
“Great Service, My Dog Loved It”
Superb grooming parlour. Conveniently located with a public car park nearby. My dog obviously adored his visit, wanting to stay and play. His first ti…

1 person has reviewed Groomerz

Member ratings

Very Good

Rating summary

Knowledge of breed grooming standard
Standard of grooming
Value for money
1 review (1 page) sorted by
4 reviews
“Great Service, My Dog Loved It”
Reviewed 7th March 2015
Superb grooming parlour. Conveniently located with a public car park nearby. My dog obviously adored his visit, wanting to stay and play. His first time being professionally groomed while I have owned him (he is a rescue). He went in looking rather scruffy, and came out looking sleek and polished. Beautifully bathed, trimmed and with nails cut too. The groomer took the time to ask what end result I would like as regards length etc. She took time to get to know my boy, petting him and making friends with him so he was quite relaxed with her. They helpfully called when he was ready to be collected as I didn't want to leave him for too long once he had been groomed. The shop also sells a good range of pet foods, treats, toys, leads and beds. Prices compared very well with other services in the area. We will be regulars from now on.
  • Knowledge of breed grooming standard
  • Staff
  • Standard of grooming
  • Value for money
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