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Pads 'n' Paws

Dog Walkers | Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, England | www.padsnpaws.co.uk

Pads 'n' Paws
0% of users rated this business as excellent or very good.
Ranked 2 in Dog Walkers in Staffordshire
Ranking calculated based on average score and the most reviews. Businesses need more than 5 reviews to feature at the top.
1 review

Recent review

18th February 2019
“Reinforce Bad Behaviours”
I used this company to walk my dog, while my husband and I worked. It wasn't that the walkers treated my dog badly, but we were working on some issue…

1 person has reviewed Pads 'n' Paws

Member ratings

Very Good

Rating summary

Level of care provided
Reliability of walker
Value for money
1 review (1 page) sorted by
1 review
“Reinforce Bad Behaviours”
Reviewed 18th February 2019
I used this company to walk my dog, while my husband and I worked. It wasn't that the walkers treated my dog badly, but we were working on some issues with him. The Company had a full brief on what the walkers should and shouldn't be doing, but they continued to reinforce bad behaviours. I passed one of them with my dog, while I was on route to a meeting and she had a man with her, she was allowimg my dog to jump up and the guy was fussing him like craxy, reinforcing the jumping. This was something we were trying to train out. I also had reports from neighbours about bad behaviour being encouraged and following having to raise some little issues with the Manager, I started to lose confidence with this dog walking company. The crux came when I bumped into one of the dog walkers and she said "your dog is mouthing the lead, what are you dojng about that"? What was I doing about that, when I was training my dog and they were undoing all of my hard work! I then found a wonderful dog walker, who follows my instructions to the letter and I get glowing compliments from neighbours about how good she is with him. I've since spotted one of the walkers with two other dogs, one is reactive on lead and she was reprimanding him. Not what you should do with a reactive dog. So I feel I made the right decision with letting them go. I cannot recommend this company.
  • Level of care provided
  • Reliability of walker
  • Value for money
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