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Pure Pet Food

Dog Food | 020 3326 2970 | www.purepetfood.co.uk

Pure Pet Food say:

Pure food is dog food with a difference. Our pioneering approach makes it easy to provide your dog with the natural goodness and nutrients found in raw and homemade food. All our natural food is made in a human grade food facility, where fresh and raw ingredients are prepared with a gentle method called dehydration. This process naturally preserves our human quality foods, retaining their nutrients without the need for harsh cooking procedures.

Pure Pet Food
100% of users rated this business as excellent or very good.
Ranked 37 in Dog Food
Ranking calculated based on average score and the most reviews. Businesses need more than 5 reviews to feature at the top.
2 reviews

Recent review

11th June 2019
“My dogs loved it”
My dogs love Pure. They're on the Turkey Terrific recipe and it's amazing. It cleared up their allergies and they're no longer itching. I'd recommend …

2 people have reviewed Pure Pet Food

Member ratings

Very Good

Rating summary

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2 reviews (1 page) sorted by
1 review
“My dogs loved it”
Reviewed 11th June 2019
My dogs love Pure. They're on the Turkey Terrific recipe and it's amazing. It cleared up their allergies and they're no longer itching. I'd recommend this to anyone. The ingredients are very high quality, it smells really good (I'd even eat it!). I'd say it's definitely value for money as it's drastically improved my dogs' quality of life.
  • Enjoyed by dog
  • Ingredients
  • Quality
  • Value for money
2 reviews
“Great idea..needs a tweak.”
Reviewed 2nd December 2015
This food is a fantastic concept, easy to store and prepare. All three of my dogs loved this and got very excited at meal times. I do feel it could do with a tweak in the ingredients and have much less potato in it. The ingredients and vitamins list are very limited and this did make me wonder are my dogs getting all they require from this food. It was purely the expense to keep three dogs on this which made me switch back to kibble ( Orijen ) after this was used.
  • Enjoyed by dog
  • Ingredients
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  • Value for money
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