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Doggie Solutions

Doggie Solutions
100% of users rated this business as excellent or very good.
Ranked 29 in Dog Accessories & Supplies
Ranking calculated based on average score and the most reviews. Businesses need more than 5 reviews to feature at the top.
1 review

Recent review

20th August 2019
“Fast and Good Prices”
I buy everything online but I try to avoid Amazon as I want to support local businesses. I have found that you can get the same or better prices and t…

1 person has reviewed Doggie Solutions

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Very Good

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Value for money
1 review (1 page) sorted by
4 reviews
“Fast and Good Prices”
Reviewed 20th August 2019
I buy everything online but I try to avoid Amazon as I want to support local businesses. I have found that you can get the same or better prices and the delivery is just as good. I currently get my dog supplies from Doggie Solutions. They have a great range and their prices are good. All my orders have been fulfilled quickly and without any issues what so ever. They have been around for ages and they have a secure online shopping cart and lots of reviews so you can feel safe buying from them.
  • Quality
  • Value for money
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