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Lick & Flow Water Bottle

Lick & Flow Water Bottle
100% of users rated this business as excellent or very good.
Ranked 56 in Dog Accessories & Supplies
Ranking calculated based on average score and the most reviews. Businesses need more than 5 reviews to feature at the top.
1 review

Recent review

5th June 2017
“Great for hot days”
We take this bottle out on walks with our dog on hot days. He likes to stop every now and then and take a quick swig to wet his whistle. It's convini…

1 person has reviewed Lick & Flow Water Bottle

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Very Good

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Value for money
1 review (1 page) sorted by
7 reviews
“Great for hot days”
Reviewed 5th June 2017
We take this bottle out on walks with our dog on hot days. He likes to stop every now and then and take a quick swig to wet his whistle. It's convinient to carry and keeps the water fresh. We did have to show him how to use it to start with but he soon got the hang of it. Having the bottle full of water also means that you have a supply to fill up a bowl for a proper drink should you need it. The only downside is that you need to be careful using it indoors as quite a bit seems to end up on the floor!
  • Quality
  • Value for money
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