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Bakers Joint Delicious

Bakers Joint Delicious
0% of users rated this business as excellent or very good.
Ranked 73 in Dog Food
Ranking calculated based on average score and the most reviews. Businesses need more than 5 reviews to feature at the top.
1 review

Recent review

25th February 2015
“Bakers Joint Delicious - Medium -v- Large”
The other week I opened a packet of the large size, having paid £2.00 for the packet, and thought there must have been a mistake. Had one of the pack…

1 person has reviewed Bakers Joint Delicious

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1 review
“Bakers Joint Delicious - Medium -v- Large”
Reviewed 25th February 2015
The other week I opened a packet of the large size, having paid £2.00 for the packet, and thought there must have been a mistake. Had one of the packets in the batch been filled with the medium sized sticks in error? So today, Monday 23 Feb 2015, I bought one of each size, the medium size cost me £1.75. I opened both packets at the Sainsburys (Milton Keynes) customer service desk to check on the size of the sticks against each other. Lo and behold, the larger stick was only marginally thicker and only 1cm longer. Not that much extra for my 25p. Needless to say I will not be buying the larger size again. I bring this to your attention because I have only very recently noticed the difference in size as they used to be much longer. Unfortunately, it seems another case of the manufacturers cutting back on the size of their product to increase their profit margin believing we will not notice. My rating: not very good value for money when comparing it to the medium size stick.
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