eDogAdvisor is closing

eDogAdvisor will close on the 7th March.

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AJ Stanners

1 reviews | A member for 7 years, 6 months

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Posted on 17th October 2016
Absolutely Awful Customer Expereince
While my dogs loved the products the ‘service’ and ‘customer support’ from Burns is absolutely dire. They’ve managed to change my address 3 times from a norder placed via their website and blamed the courier for re-writing the address label (one which Burns obviously produce themselves!). They offer next day delivery but consistently fail to meet the deadline. They never answer the phone and they never respond to voice messages or emails. With one exception. I did get an email response to one justifiable complaint about total lack of response and failure to meet delivery deadlines and that was from Chris, presumably the arrogant little twerp of a son of Anthony and Brenda whose business he has obviously decided to run as his own personal little fiefdom, where he told me “We do have other things to do”. A thoroughly unpleasant and unedifying experience dealing with them. Even if he reserves his obvious disdain purely for us small retail buyers, it’s not a winning formula for long term business (or personal) success.

I am marking everything down to one star as a reflection of the overall customer experience as a warning to review readers rather than as a comment on the product which, unfortunately, is quite good.
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