eDogAdvisor is closing

eDogAdvisor will close on the 7th March.

If you are interested in purchasing the site and building on its strong foundations then contact us at hello@edogadvisor.co.uk


1 reviews | A member for 5 years, 1 month

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Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England
Posted on 31st March 2019
Suits even the fussiest of eaters....
I have 3 dogs but one in particular has numerous allergies and was prone to being sick after meals making it difficult to maintain a healthy weight. I'd had some success with RAW but moved to an area where deliveries were no longer possible so made the switch to Eden after extensive research(bonus is ordering 2 bags gives me free delivery even in my remote location!). My fussy eater has wolfed down his bowl of food since day 1! Hes put on weight for the first time in his life, so much so I have to monitor his food intake carefully! My 3 dogs are healthier, happier and fitter than they've ever been! Yes we get the odd soft poo but that's probably down to the additional treats my husband feeds them.
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