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Pretty Poodle

1 reviews | A member for 1 year, 8 months

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Lowestoft, Suffolk, England
Posted on 4th August 2022
You can teach an old dog new tricks!
I recently inherited a 9 yr old toy poodle from a friend whose wife has M S and he’d been diagnosed with a terminal illness and wanted to know she would be looked after. Her diet consisted of chicken chews called ,”Munchies”. She ate them as and when it pleased her. Her poo was an awful runny ,mucus ,mustard colour consistency so I knew I had to change her diet. I tried cooked chicken,fish,sausage and even raw food but she just stuck her little nose in the air and looked for the chews. While out walking one day( she’d never been out for walks either so sits down after about 10 mins and wants carried, like a true princess),I met a fellow walker who told me about Akela, so I went online and placed an order for mixed samples. Perfect size for her little mouth and the few teeth she has left. Was a battle of wills for a few days then but I held out and now she eats every piece of kibble in her dish .Her poo is normal ,her breath is better and she and I are very happy ,well almost lol. A healthy, well balanced kibble that I would recommend every fussy pet owner to try. Thank you Akela!
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