eDogAdvisor is closing

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T Evans

1 reviews | A member for 1 year, 6 months

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Posted on 20th October 2022
Wainwrights 15kg Bag Making My Dog ill
My 7 year old English Springer Spaniel has been happily eating this product for years. At the end of September we opened the new bag delivered back in August, it definitely didn't smell the same as the previous bag.

The dog didn't fuss about the new bag initially, we mixed some with the old bag as normal, he did however quickly get diarrhoea and soft stools for a nearly a week, also he has been sick a few times. A trip to the vet followed.

He has refused to eat anything over the last 2 days. But was happily eating ng his treats on a walk until a few days ago. I've just had a eureka moment, its the Wainwrights dog food. There is something seriously wrong with this food. I have never had any previous problems, this is an unfussy Springer, full of energy. Live Pets At home chat suggested it is because I didn't mix the two together while introducing a new product, but I did. I am really concerned that this product has something really bad in it. I am returning it to the store, requesting it is checked, I have to send them a Vets report too. Be aware.
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